Sunday, November 15, 2015

5 Alive (Prayer) Sermon Notes

Today we concluded the 5 Alive series through Acts 2:42. The purpose of these teachings, has been to focus our faith community on the 5 facets that allowed the early church to thrive (teaching, fellowship, meals, the Lord's Super, prayer). Here's the outline from today's message...

The quality of any relationship is dependant on how honest and how healthy the communication is.

1) Jesus exemplified (Mark 1:35) and encouraged (Luke 18:1) us to pray.

2) We should live lives of prayer.
-Celebrate God in prayer (John 11:41-42)
-Consult God in prayer (Matthew 26:39)
-Confer our worry on God in prayer (1 Peter 5:7)

3) Pray unselfishly with passion (hearts desire) and purity (that they might be saved). Reference Romans 10:1.

*Challenge: be intentional about making time for God this week in prayer and pray for the world to fall in love with Jesus as we have.