Monday, August 24, 2015

The Bottom Line

I hope that your Monday is off to a marvelous start! I wanted to write about Sunday's message and share my sermon notes with you. I felt that if applied, yesterday's discourse would be a blessing to you.

Philippians 4:13 says 'For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.' I opened by suggesting that no circumstance is unbeatable! That's an intentional interjection, to encourage you because you can get through this! It doe's not matter what your 'this' may be, it's beatable! Often, once we've beaten an obstacle, we have the tendency to get besides ourselves. So, it's important to learn to celebrate without boasting. On the other hand, in bad situations we must learn that we can't get stuck there. The bad is beaten by being content but not comfortable. Become aware of and accepting of where you are in life, but be plotting on how to move on to something better.

I felt that the power of the passage is found in Paul's spiritual maturity. He understands that our journey is only successful when we exchange our inability for God's indwelling.
Here's the meat of the matter: At the conclusion of our existances, two decisions compose our summation...

1) Make the right SELECTION (For I can do everything through Christ) Our lives need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! The prerequisite to operation through Christ, is to get in Christ. Reference John 15:7

2) Magnify the right SOURCE (who gives me strength) Our posture is to praise God, but God's plan is to prosper us. Reference Psalm 100 and Jeremiah 29:11

*Here's the bottom line, CHOOSE WISELY. Only God can take our ordinary life and do the Extraordinary with it!

Be intentional this week, to make the right choices! Stay blessed!
Pastor AEW

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