Thursday, October 8, 2015

This Sunday!!!

I've spent this week resting, reflecting and replenishing, trying to prepare myself to return to you with a fresh sense of God's will for us as a faith community. Please continue to pray for and with me, as I listen for God's voice.

THIS SUNDAY, I'm really excited about having FREE breakfast and prayer at 10:45 a.m. We're going to spend time focusing on 3 of our 5 key core values: fellowship,  meals and prayer. I hope you'll use this Sunday as an opportunity to invite your family and friends to join us. Share this on Facebook; take a moment to send a text to 3 people inviting to hang out with us Sunday; call sometime and let them know that at Grace Corner Your Family is Bigger Than They Think and that they should come eat breakfast with us!

Let's be on time this Sunday so that we can take a meaningful part in fellowship, food, prayer and giving a helping hand (cleaning up). Remember that our church is what we make it and that you only get out what you put in. I love all of you toward abundant life in Christ...enjoy your weekend and I'll see you Sunday!

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