Monday, February 22, 2016

Love & Devotion (16 of 21)

Philippians 1:7-8 (New Living Translation) "So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart. You share with me the special favor of God, both in my imprisonment and in defending and confirming the truth of the Good News. 8 God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus."
-The Rhythm of Love

Anita Baker sang a song that I still groove to today, called The Rhythm of Love. She painted a vivid picture of love that is expressed in harmony of actions. The apostle Paul opens his letter of thanks to the church at Philippi, with a sense of gratitude. Philippi was in rhythm with Paul's desire to spread the good news about Jesus and was concerned about him as he dealt with the struggles that ministry presented.

Be aware of these two principles that Philippi was in tune with Paul on...

1) Divine origin of their love... They both were recipients of God's 'special favor'. God's love extended grace to them as a sign of his eternal commitment to give salvation and security. It's this bond that makes us family/brothers and sisters/partners. Our love for each other comes from God and should evoke feelings of gratitude for each other, because God's desire is for us to be together.

2) Definitive expression of their love... Paul loved Philippi and they loved him back, so much so that they didn't allow their love to be void of positive actions of affirmation. They proved their love to each other with deeds and expressed it with their words. The rhythm of this Christian love was unwavering. Weather it Paul was in jail or Philippi was on the front lines of battle for defending the faith, the love didn't stop. Life never got in the way of loving each other in a Godly healthy way.

Let me wrap this up by saying that the scriptures are full of examples of loving relationships, between Godly men and women that aren't sexual in any way. My admonition to you as your brother and your pastor, is to not pervert what's meant to be progressive. Holiness is healthy and should be honored with Godly intent and act in a manner that would please God. Don't mess up your blessing by being animalistic!!!

I love you with 'the tender compassion of Christ Jesus'!

Don't miss the last stop of the Love Train this Sunday!
I'll be preaching about Love & Hip-hop. It's going to be crazy good, so bring someone with you!

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